Shaik md moosa
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Im still a student learning and teaching as well ... So that my and the person i teach i make sure they get all the knowledge It seems like social media character limits are constantly changing, so it can be difficult to keep up. At the same time, knowing the ideal length of a Tweet, Facebook post or Instagram caption may improve the likelihood that people will read or engage with it. In order to make your life a little easier, we’ve put together a complete guide with the character length limits for all the major social networks. We’ve also pulled information from several different studies and sources to find the ideal character limits for each network.

Offline teaching experience: 2

Online teaching experience: 1

I have been teaching since 2 years in a institute bthat got got closed due to lockdown but i used to teach school students accounts stats and business studies like commerce subject and some few home tutions to nearby children the students bi taught became so good in english now they know more then me i just taught them gow to learn and learn to enjoy ...You also have to be very quick on your feet because if you have a class of 25 kids, and one is misbehaving, you have to try to address what is happening with that one student without losing the other 24. Even if it means you have to pull the child aside to talk to them for a minute or two or sometimes with troublesome kids you have to have a behavior modification program. You have to get that child back on task as quick as you can. Sometimes when that child knows they’re going to be rewarded by something if they do the right thing, getting them to realize that while they’re upset is the key. You have to be resourceful and use what works. Kids need to see a steady presence in a teacher so you always have to remain calm and patient. Depending on the severity of the behavior, I’ll involve the child’s parent. I have a behavior modification program where I’ll give the kids chances or warnings if they did something that they shouldn’t have. Then the consequences increase until the third time which is where I involve the parents. If it’s a severe situation where a child is throwing a chair or hitting another student or possibly hitting me, I call the parent immediately. When a student isn’t doing their homework consistently, I call the parent first to find out if the homework is too hard I have to modify it or if the child is struggling. If it is something major if it’s a home situation


Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses

Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses
Language: Personal consultation
Level: Basic
Lessons: 1
Your learning needs analysis session. This is a material that teachers can use for their first lesson, or introductory lesson to be acquainted with the student.
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